Month: February 2024

Closing numbers for February 2024

That was the second-best month we have seen in the last 12 months. December 2023 was the best followed by this February. This makes four in a row with gains and the S&P 500 is bouncing around highs, so it does make all traders nervous. Let me show you our numbers.

Added ANF

I could not wait for a pullback in ANF and decided to just jump on the train. I might have called the high, but worst case, I have a 5% stop loss set to protect myself. Also, if the 30-minute chart does roll over and then bounces, it will give me an add signal. Entry…

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NVDA came through

It is crazy to me to see how one earnings report could affect an entire market across the board, but it has. What does that mean for us? Today will be a good day. I will warn against running in and buying individual stocks until 3 p.m. or later, or just wait till tomorrow after…

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