Month: July 2019

Here is the move

Today I decide to make this move even though the I-fund will likely save itself by the end of the day. Remember, if it’s a buy, you can make your distribution anything you like that makes you comfortable. It doesn’t have to replicate mine.

TSP closing numbers as of 7/19/19

Not a very good week. It looks like on the charts that there was just no direction or motivation to go up or down. We did have a sell warning fire on Friday and I’ll talk further on that topic later this weekend. For now, here are the numbers.

Daily charts as of 7/6/19

Do we have any drama in the news? Do we have any drama on our charts? Wouldn’t it be nice for awhile if we had no drama and no volatility to speak of and prices would just climb slow and steady? What do you think? Let’s take a look.


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