Month: June 2018

TSP closing numbers as of 6/22/18

What a week it was for the International index. It would seem to align itself perfectly with all the news of trade wars, but there has to be something else to it. The International, of our 3 stock indexes, has been the weakest link all year. All of my members know what happened on the…

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Market recovery, but was it enough?

Today we were suppose to watching the one of our indexes to see if it would recover enough to cancel a daily sell signal. Did it recover enough to cancel the sell signal? I will say this much to my non-members of the site, the index did recover. 

TSP closing numbers as of 6/15/18

Half of June is gone. This year is just screaming by. When you click the read more button at the end of this paragraph, look at the bottom chart, Hotmove is finally back in the green. Once again, 1 index basically carried the week.

A new menu item for you

Hi, just wanted you to know that I added another feature for you guys. I hate people that blow smoke and you never see any hard evidence of their moves in the TSP, Stockmarket, or whatever it may be. This is more for the people here that are already retired, but believe me, if you…

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