Month: May 2018

TSP closing numbers as 5/25/18

This was a very weird week on the stock market. Not sure what drove the International and Bonds all week, but both indexes made some impressive moves. This will be a 3 day weekend not only for most of us, but also for the stock market. Tuesday the Stock market will re-open at 9:30am. Just…

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I’m in the no internet zone

Hi all, There are still places in this world that have no internet. I will post numbers and charts later this weekend when I get back to civilization. Enjoy your weekend, Olddix  

New Hotmove is up 5/14/18

The new Hotmove setup has been posted. If you are using this method, you need to change your setup now or no later than 11:45am Tuesday, May 15th.  It is another big change. The last Hotmove setup returned 1.31%, which was the second best on 2018. Click on the Hotmove button above or the read…

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Good news for once.

I figure since we have had nothing to smile about here on the stock market since late January, I would share this little bit with you. It is an initial breakout and if it holds tomorrow, good things could happen.


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