Month: June 2015

TSP daily charts.

The week in general was not good because of the 3 day fade that started Wednesday. The S&P 500 feel just below the 50 day moving average, so sell warning 1 has fired. The S&P 500 is still safe.     The Small Cap is safe and no warnings. What was ugly was the same 3…

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International daily is back on the buy list.

Still looks a little shaky to me, but the I-fund is a buy. The green CBL will be dropped and new red CBL will be added. There is also a new intermediate trend on the weekly that transfer to the daily that will be used for the sell levels. See tomorrows new chart below.

TSP charts for 6/21/15

The S&P 500 bounced hard off of that blue support line I drew last week. It had 4 very nice days and then flopped on Friday. This week move was good enough to cancel all the warnings, but I have to be cautious until we get a little but more room above the warning levels.…

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TSP closing numbers as of 6/5/15

Not a good opening week for June. Bonds are bloody and the International took a hit. Also my PIP through May 2015: Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 05/31/2015 is 7.69%.


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