Month: December 2012

End of Year Numbers 2012

If you listen to all the talking heads and read the news on the internet or papers, the year should have been awful. If I asked you right now if you would be happy with a 15% or greater gain for 2013 would you take it? Most would and if you look above you will…

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NO move made today.

I made no move today in the markets and will wait for more movement in price before I decide to bail. Something I want to clarify long term investor and a short term.  Long Term, if you have no stomach for the news and hate watching the markets on a day ro day bases and…

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As of 10:20am

Ok, as of 10:30am the markets are slighlty up and leaning tothe upside. The news on the Cliff is bouncing in both direction giving us no direction. So at this point, I feel I want to wait it out and see what happens, so I will not be making any moves to end the year…

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TSP Weekly numbers, 12/28/2012

I have been on vacation visiting family and family visiting me, so posting was difficult. Going to make this short and sweet. Looking at the weekly charts, the C,S, and I are all still stay in or get in. The daily charts are telling a much different story. The C-fund gave a double sell signal…

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Merry Christmas to all.

I hope all had a very Merry Christmas and didn’t over indulge to much in the eateries that can create a fair amount of bloating. Me? I did my best to over indulge and I did well. Last week ended on a very negative note but how can you complain about 2.22% gain in the…

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TSP Weekly numbers 12/7/12

TSP Distribution:  S-fund 40%, C-fund 40%, I-fund 20% I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that the end of the year is just 3 weeks away. All in all it has been a very good year. If in any year you can make at least 7% in the markets with whatever…

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