Month: August 2012

TSP Weekly numbers 8/25/12

OK, first down week in all our funds and indexes in awhile. Things do not always go up and in time either have to go down or consolidate over time. Ever heard of a profit? Well, you are not the only trader or investor in the market either and or eventually people or companies are…

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TSP weekly numbers 8/10/2012

TSP Distribution:  C-fund 50%, S-fund 40%, G-fund 10% What I’m showing you above it the percentage of stocks in the S&P100 index that are above their 150 day moving average. When 65% of the stocks are above the 150 ma, it is a great indicator that we are in a Bull market and the high…

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TSP Weekly numbers 8/3/2012

TSP Distribution:  C-fund 50%, S-fund 40%, G-fund 10% I had an accident on a motorcycle so typing is going to be a challenge for me for a week or two. Im fine except for a fractured collar bone. As for th stock market, I’m holding the line. Small Caps are still making me a little…

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