Month: February 2012

Weekly update TSP, 2/24/12

Another week of gains and the International Fund, I-fund was the winner. The Small Cap, S-fund, actually slipped a little bit to the downside. I have been looking at different charts in various time frames and I really cannot find any weakness in the charts. I do not want to get complacent and watch all…

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An update to my previous post

Above you will find 6 charts all labeled on the top row and in this order, S&P, Small Cap, International, Nasdaq, Dow30, and Transportation. Notice that only the Nasdaq appears to still be in an uptrend. Four of the charts are consolidating and appear to forming bull flags which is good but only if they…

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Wednesday 2/15/2012

Iā€™m starting to see a major pause in the indexes on the Stock Market. There is a chance that we could be at a turning point. There is also a chance I will retreat to safety but I will post more tonight.

I made the change.

Ok, after looking at my charts again, I believe the International Fund is setup to run. This is not a guarantee. It is an observation only. With that said, the S&P500 and Small Cap looks to be consolidating or pausing, so we will need time to see what happens. Good Luck: TSP Distribution: C-fund 25%,…

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Did not make the move

I did not make the move into the International Fund because I was just to bus, plus the drive into work. I should have moved in on this small down day but there is always tomorrow. I will have a better opportunity tomorrow to look at the markets before noon to help me make the…

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TSP Weekly Update, 2/3/12

Did you see that coming? Friday? Nope, no one could see that coming which goes back to me saying, ā€œNo one can predict the futureā€. What we can do is read charts and see when things and or sentiment is changing. You look at the chart below and see if you can see anything that…

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