Month: December 2011

TSP Weekly Update, 12/23/2011

We had a very good week so I guess we can say that the Santa Rally actually happened. I did a whole year and basically a no gainer. Better than a loss. It’s almost over and it has been a rough year. That’s unless you rode the F-fund all year and maybe the G. TSP…

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TSP Weekly update, 12/9/11

We had a really weird week in that the news from Europe once again dictated everything that happened and when the week was over, I’m not sure anything was resolved. I guess the news gurus will tear it apart over the weekend and we will know Monday morning. We squeaked out a small gain on…

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Things could get nasty.

Here we go again with the European crisis once again dominating our markets and the pressure showed today with technical turns to the downside. The S&P500, Small Cap, European Index, Nasdaq, and the Dow30 all created a Pivot High which is a indication that the market is going down. What makes this worse is that…

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You heard me say something similar.

You know when you finally find some facts that support your side of the story, it kind of gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. So like you have heard me say in the past, “No one knows what the market is going to do”, and “Show me your Statement”, the article written by Joe Fahmy…

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TSP Weekly Update, 12/2/2011

A very nice week in the market for change after the pounding it has been taken over the course of November. You would only expect that after the enormous  run up we had Wednesday that Thursday and Friday that sellers would re-appear and takes some profits. Thursday was basically a non-event, but Friday after the…

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November 2011, ending numbers

Pretty wild month and if it wouldn’t have been for the last 3 days moving the markets 7.6% to the upside, the month would have been a disaster. What will December hold? Who the hell knows. I will continue to read the current prices and make decisions as we move along.


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