Month: December 2010

2 more bite the dust

All index are still green, which is good, but today it seemed so negative. The reason is because there was more declines than advances on the NYSE and we also closed just a bit down. I also got stopped out of my two newest addition in COH and DECK. I was disappointed that I got…

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Things still clicking..

I’ve been away for a day, but looking at the overall market via the charts, the S&P, Nasdaq, and Small Caps just keep on clicking uphill. So as far as our TSP money goes, I hope your invested still. I have recovered every dollar plus some just since I made my last entry into the…

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I had a whoops today!! Dag!

Stop loss orders!! I have talked many times how important they are and I had them all active, but the one that fired today I had the wrong amount of shares in the order. I sold 90 shares of TQNT @ $11.78 as per the stop loss, but the problem was that left 166 shares…

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Last hour it all went away.

We were rolling along most of the day and the around 10 minutes to 3pm, the market started an end of day selloff. Technically we finished .06 cents up for the day, but that is basically nothing. The small cap and Nasdaq both finished down for the day. Lastly, today I added another stock to…

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